Do you know what colours dogs can see? In which city is it forbidden… to die? What is homichlophobia? And why snoring can be as loud as a vacuum cleaner? In a special edition of “Weird but true,” National Geographic has prepared hundreds of crazy facts for curious children and adults. You will find out in which country spiders are worshipped, what computer scientists and ants have in common, why summer on Saturn lasts about 7 earth years and what Peruvians use llama’s droppings for. You will also hear how many metres high the world’s record-breaking wave is and who had the courage to face it.
Ukrainians believe that spiders and their webs bring good luck, so they decorate their homes with webs for Christmas.
The smallest country in the world, the Vatican City, lying in the centre of Rome is the size of an 18-hole golf course.
To make more space in Tokyo’s crowded subways, “pushers” have been employed on the platforms. They push as many people as possible into the wagon and make sure no one gets stuck in the door.
There is a town in Wales called: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllantysiliogogogoch.
In India, bridges grow from rubber tree roots.
Because the Earth has a shape of a ball with a bulge in the middle of it, Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador is 2.4 km closer to the moon than Mount Everest.
There are 27 terms for different types of moustaches in Albanian.
Llama’s droppings serve as fuel in Peru.
Retba Lake in Senegal is light pink.
The dust from the Sahara, the world’s largest and hottest desert, can reach North America in just a week.